>Cand sunt in focul creatiei… creez!

>Uneori imi place sa ma desprind total de lume, sa ma izolez intr-un univers al meu si sa nu fac altceva decat sa creez. Noul flat mi-a dat nenumarate ocazii de a creea, de a imbunatati. Am inceput cu peretii, apoi am continuat cu mobila, apoi cu accesoriile.

Intai m-am jucat cu vopseaua si tapetul pe pereti. Apoi m-am jucat cu vopseaua pe mobile, iar cu tapetul pe cutii. Am decorat, am cusut, am creat. Iata cateva dintre creatiile mele.

Scrinul: inainte si dupa make-up

Author: Gabriela D. Spencer

I support you to Balance your overall Well-being, be it physical, emotional, relational or social through Life Coaching and Laughter Yoga. My aim is to ‘support you to help yourself’ as you are the only expert of your life. My interests include positive psychology, body-mind balancing techniques, stress management, well-being and connecting with one’s inner child. I am a Multi-potential and an ISFP (according to the latest tests, but who knows). I write and express myself whenever my mind is bursting with thoughts and emotions. Read me mostly in Romanian and sometimes in English.

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